Friday, June 19, 2015


A great afternoon with kids of all ages trying loads of different things.  Check out the photos...they tell more of the story.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Envirogroup in action again...

Our Envirogroup have been busy educating the kids at Dipton at school again.  Snatching times outside between shores they also planted mustard seed in the raised gardens, refilled the pine cone bird feeders and cleaned the chook area again.  Leading from the front Envirogroup!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Enviro group in action

Our Envirogroup has decided to work with the classes 1 hour a week to share their knowledge of chickens, worms, bird food , the principals of Enviroschools and maintaining of our surroundings. Today was the first day and all the kids were really busy.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Upcycling the old furniture

What a great form of collage.... Layering magazine pictures on the old chairs. We decided the funky chairs could go in our library that is in the process of being revamped.
Check out the work in progress!