Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pleased to be back for Term 4.

We are so pleased to be back ... Checking out the new app .... Newsomatic.
Having fun working in groups and learning about different countries.


  1. Hi Room 1,
    We're happy you are pleased to be back in term 4. We are in the staffroom at the BOT meeting looking at the blogs. What are most looking forward to this term?

    1. Hi to the hardworking BOT members.
      Thanks for your Comment. We are enjoying the beginning of the term and can't wait for us to start experimenting with changing matter in foods. Are you going to come and have a look In our class? We'd love to see you.
      Have fun
      Ms T and the gang!

  2. Hey Ms T!!! I love looking at other countries around the world because I get to learn what they do different to us. Do you like to learn about other places?

  3. Hi Ashley, Nemish and Ilsa. Looks like you are very busy on the I-pads. I like working on them too. What are you busy doing on them in this photo. See you all tomorrow.
    Your classmate Adine!
